TITULO: The Colour Experience
INVESTIGADOR: Orazio de Vita (Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.)
COLABORADORES: Maria João Durão (Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.) + Alessandra Cirafici
Is it possibile to improve the fruition of a museum entertaining the user with a totally accessible experience that can, at the same time, be able to educate him with contents that usually he’s not paying attention to?
The edutainment is a particular way to organize contents in order to make the user learn while having fun. The Augmented Reality is one of the features that, for example, can be essential in a museum to complete the user’s experience, thanks to its ability to make him interact with the space that surrounds him. The right information given at the right moment rises the level of amusement of the user: this makes the difference between a normal experience and a long lasting memory. Nowadays a lot of museums use Augmented Reality, but studying the different experiences that they offer, it was clear to me that none of them pay attention to a very important theme: color. This subject, that is actually very difficult to interpret because of its dynamic nature, was never brought to the attention of the public that is, for this reason, not able to learn about its more changeable aspects. So is it possible to make an user with sight’s impairments aware about the differences and the dynamic aspects of color? Every visitor can provide information that, if shared, could help people learn things that usually are not capable to understand. The Color Experience offers the opportunity to live a unique experience inside the museums, different from the one that a visitor usually expects. Its highlight is to use the users’ enjoyment to teach them cultural concepts, that often they don’t know they are interested about (such as the ones of the color theory), without them being too aware to learn. Using the basic principles of edutainment, in fact, it provides access to some educational contents through a series of mini games, that consist in the interaction with the works exposed in the museum.
Key-words: Museum + totally accessible experience + edutainment + Augmented Reality + colour + sight’s impairments