TITULO: Venice Colour: Spacial Imagination
CATEGORIA: Arquitetura
INVESTIGADOR: Maria João Durão (Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.)
The medieval power of colour that Ruskin identifies in San Marco, whose effects also depend on the “most subtle, variable, inexpressive colour in the world, the colour of glass, of transparent alabaster, of polished marble, and lustrous gold.”.
In Venice, the marbles of walls, balustrades, stairways, or alcoves harmonize with green and purple porphyry, the marble and mosaics of the Basilica of San Marco, its Pala d’Oro panels of translucent blue enamel with golden borders, as with terracotta reds and stuccoes of yellow ochre, coral, salmon, magenta, orange, crimson, smoky pink, rose, marble greens and purple-the blue sky harmonizes with all.
Key-Words: Venice, Colour, Imagination