TITULO: Internacional space station, destiny model: virtual environment experimentation with colour
CATEGORIA: Arquitectura
INVESTIGADOR: Maria João Durão
COLABORADORES: Robin Guerreiro (Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.)
The interior of the U.S. Destiny Laboratory Modulo of the International Space Station was designed in three-dimensions, using the software of Solid Works, and Virtools, with colour, light and sound used in this immersive experience to simulate the real experience. The materialization of space, even within a digital environment, makes it possible for users to have an embodied perception and their senses stimulated to an enhance a unique experience where the real and the virtual combine and interconnect. In an attent to recreate a weightless atmosphere, the behavior of a free-falling object dropped from a certain weight or launched with a certain velocity, simulate the aim of this project, which is to study of the potential of colour when apply to design of space habitat and how it can increase human well-being living or working in these habitats. The U.S. Destiny Laboratory Modulo is used as key study to examine the impact that different combination of colour have in confined and extreme environment. However, Lab experimentation is carried out using virtual simulators, to apply colours to the overhead, deck, starboard and port and equipment allowing a complex array of aspects of colour to be considered. Simulation of perceptual processes and movement are other key factors implicated the relations between colour and the body in weightless.
Key-words: aerospace architecture + colour + virtual environment
IMAGENS: (em falta)